3D animation, compositing, visual effects, VR immersive experiences

Wayha | Immersive Music Video and Art

Wayha is an immersive music visual experience spearheaded by artist and developer Axon Genesis, featuring the tribal house sounds of BOSA (legendary producer Stephan Jacobs) and fashion inspired by style pioneer Roxy Emily Kravitz, (AKA Roxer Tronica) Taking viewers on a fantastic journey following the migratory flight of the Phoenix, Wayha represents the celebration of…

Divine Connection Meditation | Psychedelic Mind, Episode 9 | Solfeggio Frequencies

Expand your consciousness. Open your crown chakra to access divine wisdom and cosmic energies. Connect your awareness to the formless and infinite to experience transcendence and liberation from limiting patterns. Realize the oneness of all that is and the divine purpose of all that exists. Unveil this higher state of consciousness to discover the path…

Creative Flow Meditation | Psychedelic Mind, Episode 8 | Solfeggio Frequencies

Move beyond fears and feeling stuck to rediscover your natural state of creative flow. Creative expression is often blocked by doubts, fear of failure, not wanting to be embarrassed, uncertainty where to begin, and being overwhelmed. However, you can easily reopen the flow by starting with one simple thing that is easy to do and…

Personal Power Meditation | Psychedelic Mind, Episode 7 | Solfeggio Frequencies

Activate your full potential to move forward with self confidence and equanimity. Radiating golden yellow light calling forth your inner strength to realize your divine purpose and unique contributions to the Universe. Move beyond the lower energies of uncertainty, fear, and self-doubt to take hold of the power the Divine Creator has bestowed upon you…

Emotional Clearing Meditation | Psychedelic Mind, Episode 6 | Solfeggio Frequencies

  The throat chakra is the vital gateway between your head and your heart, profoundly shaping your relationship with yourself and with others. By safely and gently clearing emotions that have been suppressed or left unexpressed, you open the path for greater compassion, self-expression, and meaningful interaction with others. Healing your past traumas is not…

Heart Opening Meditation | Psychedelic Mind, Episode 5 | Solfeggio Frequencies

  Open your heart chakra with relaxing music and soothing visuals. Release negative feelings as you rekindle your inner source of infinite love and connection with all that is. Slowly evolving geometric patterns and gentle melodic music tuned to the Solfeggio Frequencies centered around 639hz evoke feelings of compassion, acceptance, and peace as you open…