Take a fun trip across the galaxy with Bo as he emerges from the ocean and hops in his spaceship to go pick up his son Bub.

Please note that this is a preview version and not the final.

This family-friendly animated music video is a playful exploration of aquatic intelligent life and what it might be like to effortlessly travel through water, air, and space across vast distances. Imagine the places you would go if getting to another planet or even another galaxy was as easy as driving across town.

Original music, characters and animation by Axon Genesis, based in Austin, Texas.

Available in 4K fulldome format.


Created in Unity 2021 HDRP

3rd Party Tools and Assets
Structural models from Kitbash3D

Expanse Volumetric Clouds

Crest Water System

Gaia Pro

Ages: All ages
Language: English titles only – no narration or dialog
Length: 4:42
Release Date: 2-22-22