VR 360 Coming Soon!

Let go of fear and anxiety in this 12 minute meditation grounding you into the energies of the root chakra. As you gaze ahead with your eyes relaxed, bring your awareness to the base of your spine. Gently lengthen and deepen your breathing for a more profound experience. Feel your connection to Earth as gravity continually pulls you downward as though attached by an invisible cord. Follow this cord from your spine down to the center of the Earth where it is securely rooted. Open your heart and accept everything that is, as it is, with unconditional love. This practice will aid you in developing your inner sanctuary to which you may always return. This is your anchor and stability, resting on a firm foundation deep within, undisturbed by outer circumstance. In this timeless existence all is well. You are protected and safe.

Music composed with the solfeggio frequency 396Hz.

Music and visuals by Axon Genesis
